Reporting Forms
Club Level Reporting Information
Reporting Deadline: FEBRUARY 1st.
Submit Club Level Entry Cover Sheet with up to TWO pages narrative to the appropriate District Chairman by email or mail.
Clubs are responsible for keeping a copy for their records.
Reporting Deadline is February 1st.
Club President: Compile the information for your club. Mail or email the completed form to your District President and the District 1st Vice President
Mailing Deadline: November 1
MAIL YEARBOOKS AS DIRECTED BELOW (Postmarked by November 1 Deadline)
2 Yearbooks to the District Yearbook Chairman (one for cover/one for content)
1 Yearbook to the District President
1 Yearbook do the District President-elect
1 Yearbook to the GFWC Texas President-elect
1 Yearbook to GFWC Texas Headquarters
(2312 San Gabriel, Austin, TX 78705-5014)
COVER THEMES are America, Volunteer, Federation, Texas, and Whimsical.
Yearbook covers will be judged in each of the 5 separate themes.
All covers will be judged by the District Yearbook Chairman, and all 1st Place District Winners will then be judged
by the GFWC Texas Yearbook Chairman for awards using the following criteria:
1. Required information included: name of town, district, club membership category, current year,name of design theme (Example–Cover Theme: America, Volunteer, Federation, Texas, or
2. Theme Design/Art Work
Follow Yearbook Content Guidelines for 2020-2022.
Although Club Aids may be included in the yearbook in any order, they must be listed in the Table of Contents.
This will be easier if all the aids are grouped together.
Name and Address of the GFWC President: 1734 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20036-2990
Yearbooks with a scorecard of 100% will be recognized as Gold Star Yearbooks and will be honored as such at
the state convention. Clubs should then show in future yearbooks their Gold Star Level. Example: Gold Star 2019, Gold Star 2020, etc.
District Level Reporting Information
Postmark by FEBRUARY 20
Mail or email the items listed below to the following people:
To: GFWC Texas State Chairman
District chairman Award List as the cover sheet
District Chairman’s Narrative (2 pages single spaced) describing all entries
Originals of First Place Winners Reports and Cover Sheets
To: District First Vice President
1. Copy of District Chairman’s Award List
2. Copy of District Chairman’s Narrative
Deadline: postmarked by February 20th.
Compile the information from each club in your district. Mail or email the completed form to the State President and a copy to the 1st Vice President.
Reporting Deadline: February 20th.
Send original to TFWC Yearbook Chairman with all 1st Place Winners (Copy to District 1st Vice President)
Content will be judged according to GFWC Texas Yearbook ScorecYEARBOOK Card.
Each yearbook entry to the contents contest is to are to be returned to the clubs at the district convention.
A scorecard with comments showing each book’s judging results is to be placed in the inside back cover of each
The district chairman is to send a list of all books that received 100% on the contents, GOLD STAR recognition, to the GFWC Texas First Vice President. (Once a book receives 100% at the district level, there is no need for it to be judged again.) The GFWC Texas First Vice President will recognize the Gold Star Yearbooks at the state convention.
State Level Reporting Information
State Chairman:
- Mail GFWC Texas State Chairman Award List, listing 1st and 2nd Place Winners to TFWC 1st Vice President postmarked by March 1.
- In addition, send a copy of your chairman’s narrative to the GFWC Texas 1st Vice President postmarked by March 15.
- Follow instructions for new GFWC State Award Entry Cover Sheet (check for updates by GFWC on
- Send a copy of your GFWC Report Narrative to the GFWC Texas 1st Vice President postmarked by March 15.
Follow instructions for new GFWC Club Creativity Award Entry Cover Sheet (check for updates by GFWC on TO GFWC IS MARCH 15. List of GFWC Chairmen can be found at
Reporting Deadline: March 1st.
Send original of this form to TFWC 1st Vice President. Retain a copy for your files.