Leadership Education and Development Seminar

GFWC-Leadership Education and Development Seminar

Criteria for LEADS Participation

It is highly recommended that each Stated Federation LEADS candidate meet the following criteria: 

  • Demonstrates leadership capabilities at the club level as an active club president, club officer, or club project or committee chairman
  • Exhibits a commitment to the Federation
  • Exhibits an understanding of the GFWC mission of community service, illustrated by programs and projects in which she is or has been involved
  • Demonstrates leadership skills, including but not limited to, organization, responsibility, trustworthiness, enthusiasm, and flexibility
  • Exhibits an interest in and willingness to pursue higher leadership positions in GFWC
  • Agrees to share information gained from participation in LEADS with others in the state federation
  • Understands and accepts potential expenses involved in participation
  • Has not held elected positions at or beyond the state level (this criterion is recommended in order to encourage potential leaders at the club level to apply)
  • Has not attended a previous LEADS program. Members are eligible to attend only once.


GFWC will cover a portion of the attendee’s expenses, including: 

  • Stipend of 325.00 for travel
  • Lodging allowance of half of the double room rate for two nights at the convention hotel
  • Breakfast and lunch during the LEADS program
  • Checks will be distributed to candidates upon attendance and completion of the seminar.

State LEADS Chairman

Lou Hitt

Email: hittlou@yahoo.com

Due to Lou Hitt by February 20, 2024

LEADS Graduates Lou Hitt 2020 & Katherine Hajek 2021

LEADS Graduate 2019 Novella Byrd